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Mybench connects software companies with available resources and vacancy requests in one place

Main features


Find developers or a projects related to your needs in just a few seconds.


Sort specialists by specified filters: Role, Seniority, Stack, Rate, Location.


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Do you need to speed up the process and connect with the perfect candidate easily?

How does it work?


Companies offer their resources to potential clients at no cost.


Clients identify the required talents and directly reach out to the company.


If clients can't find the talent or require more candidates, they can leave a request.


MyBench initiates the talent search and promptly delivers suitable candidates.


Client conducts all necessary interviews and tests.


The client and the company finalize the details and sign a direct contract.


Project started, the client makes payment to the company based on the hours worked.

Finding the Perfect IT Candidate Made Easy:

When you submit a request for an IT talent through our platform, we go the extra mile to understand your requirements thoroughly.
We analyze your project needs, desired skill sets, and preferred qualifications. With this information in hand, our team intelligently matches your request with the most suitable candidates from our extensive network of talented IT professionals.

Post Your Available Resources for Free

By posting your available resources on our partnership platform, you gain instant visibility within a large network of companies actively seeking talented IT professionals. Instead of relying solely on traditional recruitment methods or limited personal networks, our platform gives you access to a diverse pool of potential clients. This wider reach increases your chances of finding the right project match and forging valuable partnerships.

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